Welcome to Learn on the Ark

618 Central Ave Westfield NJ 07090 - (908) 232-0175

836 Mountain Ave. Westfield NJ 07090 - (908) 232-7011

572 Mountain Ave. North Plainfield NJ 07090 - (Rt. 22 Location)

Covid-19 Updates

“Babies are such a nice way to start people” Don Herold
  • Hand sanitizing stations are available for everyone entering the building to sanitize their hands.
  • Drop off times will be staggered by age group to assist with the screening time at the door.
  • Parents will be required to wait by the designated entrance where there will be social dis-tancing markings on the floor to drop off and pick up your child(ren).
  • Screenings will take place of staff and child(ren) at designated entrance. Anyone show-ing signs of illness will not be permitted to enter. This includes a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
  • Stay home if sick. If children or staff show signs of illness, we will ask the ill person to stay home until they’ve been symptom-free without medication for at least 48 hours.
  • COVID – 19 symptoms: If you staff or child(ren) exhibit shortness of breath, fever and cough, we will ask ill person to test for COVID-19 and stay home until results are clear. If you test positive, please notify the Center Director immediately so that we can notify the Department of Health.
  • If your child becomes sick during the day, they will be brought to a space away from all other children and parents will be expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.
  • If you have traveled to a high-risk area, please stay home for 14 days and follow all CDC travel guidelines.
  • Face coverings will be required for staff and face coverings will be encouraged for all children age 3 and above but not required.
  • Handwashing will be required of all staff members before entering a classroom.
  • Sanitation of shoes will be required of all staff and children upon entering the building.
  • lasses will include the same group each day, and the same teachers will remain with the same group each day. Staff and children will only use their assigned room for the day.
  • Class sizes will be 10 students per group.
  • No visitors will be allowed in the building. We ask that parents not enter the building at drop off or pick-up. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call our Center Director.
  • Playground times will be staggered to allow for disinfection before another class may enter the playground.
  • Gloves will be worn while handling food, changing diapers or during any contact with a bodily fluid.
  • Field trips and special events will be canceled or postponed until further guidance from the state is provided.
  • Routinely clean, disinfect, and sanitize. Each school has a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting all common areas and classrooms throughout the day and at the end of the day.
  • Children’s bedding and nap mats are stored in individual bags and laid head to foot.
  • Staff ensure children wash hands prior to and immediately after eating.
  • Handwashing is required of staff prior to applying gloves to prepare food and after helping children to eat.
  • Families are required to provide their own food for lunchtime and snacks.
  • Catering Solutions will be available to offer lunch daily to all children. They will leave the lunches outside for Center Directors to pick up. All lunches are individually wrapped.
  • Children will be escorted to the classroom by an employee who is part of the check-in process.
  • Your child will go to the sink and wash their hands before beginning their day.


Classroom Routine


  • Each child will be assigned their own chair for circle time and other activities.
  • Each child will be assigned a designated spot at the table in the classroom. This table is where the child will do all table work, and this is where they will eat lunch and snack.
  • Every child will have their own work basket. This basket will have their own colored pencils, pencil, eraser, clay and any other supplies they need.