- Hand sanitizing stations are available for everyone entering the building to sanitize their hands.
- Drop off times will be staggered by age group to assist with the screening time at the door.
- Parents will be required to wait by the designated entrance where there will be social dis-tancing markings on the floor to drop off and pick up your child(ren).
- Screenings will take place of staff and child(ren) at designated entrance. Anyone show-ing signs of illness will not be permitted to enter. This includes a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
- Stay home if sick. If children or staff show signs of illness, we will ask the ill person to stay home until they’ve been symptom-free without medication for at least 48 hours.
- COVID – 19 symptoms: If you staff or child(ren) exhibit shortness of breath, fever and cough, we will ask ill person to test for COVID-19 and stay home until results are clear. If you test positive, please notify the Center Director immediately so that we can notify the Department of Health.
- If your child becomes sick during the day, they will be brought to a space away from all other children and parents will be expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.
- If you have traveled to a high-risk area, please stay home for 14 days and follow all CDC travel guidelines.